DVSA Car Training Certificate

For the Safe Transportation of Passengers in an Organisation’s or Employee’s Vehicle.


email grimshaw.123@btinternet.com


Nationally Recognised by the Energy SavingTtrust and National Safe Driving Enterprise.


  • This training course is to DVSA standard.
  • Training delivered at your venue.
  • Training aimed for the safe transportation of passengers in a school/organisations vehicle or a teacher or employee’s vehicle.

Course Content

Transport Law and legal responsibilities.

Passenegr awareness and responsibilities.

General Vehicle checks.

Safe passenger friendlt driving.

Boarding and alighting.

Vehicle health and safety.

Hazard perception.

Accident avoidance.

Speed awareness.

Eco friendly driving.

Emergency evacuation.

Vehicle breakdown contingency plans.

What to do in the event of an accident.

Wheelchair accessible training also provided on request.